


Hattingen - a lovely city to hike to linger to shop

With its 3 castles, medieval town centre and picturesque surroundings, Hattingen is one of the most beautiful towns in the Ruhr region. The church square, which has been preserved in its entirety, with St. George's Church and the 143 monuments surrounding it, is well worth a visit. Lovingly restored half-timbered houses from the Middle Ages form the charming backdrop to a town full of charm, where life is good and visitors are warmly welcomed.
Stroll through the small alleys of the former Hanseatic city!

History comes alive on the trail of the past.

Cosy restaurants in picturesque half-timbered houses in the old town and in the outer districts invite you to while away the time.

In 1396, Hattingen received its fortification rights from Count Friedrich von der Mark. This marked the beginning of the town's development.

Today Hattingen has about 60,000 inhabitants. Three quarters of the city area are forest and green spaces with well-developed cycling and hiking paths.

Hattingen is thus a local recreation area for the surrounding large cities of the Ruhr region.

Rightly said:
Hattingen is located where the forest comes into the city and where the city goes into the forest.

The main shopping street in the city centre, also called the Bummelmeile, is reserved for pedestrians. Numerous shops and boutiques with a diverse range of goods make for a colourful picture and are sure to entice many a visitor to shop. Parking garages and parking spaces are available in sufficient numbers along the short routes.

The only thing you should bring with you is time to linger in the old town as well as in the beautiful countryside and forget your everyday worries for a few hours.

(Church square)
(Old town)

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