
Church square

Nostalgic Christmas market on the church square

Christmas atmosphere, security, a feeling of warmth, delicious scents – all of this is offered by what is probably the most beautiful place in the Ruhr area: the church square.
In these days of Christmas anticipation, Alfred Schulte-Stade's Nostalgic Christmas Market underlines the very special atmosphere of the square surrounded by half-timbered houses with Christmas delicacies, various mulled wine varieties and culinary delights from Schultenhof.
In the splendor of the magnificently decorated Nordmann fir from a Hattingen forest, various Christmas trees offer magical Christmas ideas. Anyone who would like to combine this with a good cause will certainly find what they are looking for in the Sparkasse bank hut of non-profit organizations and associations. The eco-hut offers environmentally conscious shopping with regional and local products. It's worth having a browse.

St George's Church at ChristmasFestive highlights around St. George's Church

You can feel the breath of history around St George's Church. The splendidly illuminated St George's Church with its tower bell, chiming daily at 5.30 p.m., creates the sense of a special and memorable moment.
The historic St. George's Church with the leaning tower and the magnificent Roetzel organ characterizes the image of the church square and the entire old town. It makes sense to see the impressive building especially in the run-up to Christmas
to stage. Enjoy the special atmosphere right in the heart of the historic old town.
The interior of the church invites you to spend a moment of peace and contemplation. Behind the organ is the historic Kalkantenstube. It is the oldest corner of the 800-year-old church. This place can be reached via a historic staircase from the early 19th century. There, a permanent exhibition (can only be viewed with a guided tour) shows the sophisticated mechanics of the organ with its 2,000 pipes (only 45 can be seen from the front), on which five organ builders worked.

Meditation time for you!

Experience Advent - Beautiful texts and live music

from 01.12. to 22.12.24 daily from 18 -18.15 except on 8.12.24

Opening hours for visiting the church

01.12.24 to 22.12.24, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. except on 08.12.24

23.12.24 to 26.12.24 shot for viewing

27.12.24 to 30.12.24, 3 to 5 pm

31.12.2024 and 01.01.2025 closed for viewing


Concert - Christmas gospel concert

Friday, 29.11.24, 7 pm

Happy Singers conducted by David Thomas

Admission: VVK 15 €, AK 19 €

Sunday, 1.12.24, 4 pm

Advent singing

with Hattinger brass ensemble and organ

Saturday, 7.12.24, 4 pm

Advent singing

Sunday, 08.12.24, 6 pm

Christmas concert

Choral music by bearers of hope and messengers from heaven

Works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Gabriel Fauré

as well as from Russia, England and the USA

Young choir NRW

Management Christiane Zywietz-Godland & Hermann Godland

Sunday, 15 December, 4 p.m.

Advent singing


Sunday, 22.12.24, 4 pm

Rotating organ concert

5 barrel organs and the historic Roetzel organ set the mood for the Christmas season

Wednesday, 1.1.25, 6 pm

Chamber music vespers

Elisa Fröhling, flute & María Cristina Witte, organ and chest organ

with New Year's reception

We build our manger little by little following the nativity story.
After Eternity Sunday:
The Franciscan Forest under the Herrnhut Star
1st Advent:
The ox at the manger
2nd Advent:
The shepherds on the way to the manger
3rd Advent and 4th Advent:
Mary, Joseph and the donkey at the cot
Holy night:
The birth of Jesus

The smallest organ museum in the world
Guided tours of the historic Kalkantenstube
Sat. 30.11. 15:00
Sun. 01.12. 11:30 a.m.
Sat. 07.12. 15:00
Sat. 08.12. 11:30 a.m.
Sat. 14.12. 15:00
Sat. 15.12. 11:30 a.m.
Admission € 3.50
Registration for pilgrimage and Kalkantenstube: www.stgeorg-hattingen.de


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